Transforming reality! - Tetzaveh
Recently, technology has gotten so advanced that we can seemingly recreate reality using a computer program. For example, you can get a...
Transforming reality! - Tetzaveh
Dip the apple in the honey! - Ha'azinu
The future will be good! - Ki Savo
Being Responsible! - Shoftim
Leaving one home for another - Re'eh
Getting Thanked - Eikev
Transporting holy sparks - Vaetchanan
The beginning is always hard - Devarim
Every generation acts differently - Masei
Rockets break the body but not the soul - Matos
Lets complete our goal! - Balak
Self perfection - Chukas
A lesson in Patience - Korach
It's Our Job - Korach
There is only hope! - Shelach
Counting till Mashiach - Bamidbar
We do all we can and Hashem will do the rest! - Bechukotai
I trust all is good! - Behar
Everything is from above! - Emor