Every Second Matters- Rosh Hashana/Parsha's Vayeilech
During Rosh hashanah we read “Unesaneh Tokef”. What does “Unesaneh Tokef” mean, and why is it so important? Unesanneh Tokef talks about...
Every Second Matters- Rosh Hashana/Parsha's Vayeilech
Start the year off well - Nitzavim
Break The String And Pop One Mitzva At A Time! - Ki Setzei
All Around The World! - Shoftim
If You Fall Down The Mountain, Keep Climbing! - Re’eh
Build - Eikev
Flying Home To Yerushaliam! - V'eschanan
Pushing Away All The Negativity! - Devarim
Dont Take This World For Granted! - Matos-Masei
Jump To Appreciation - Pinchas
The race is on - Balak
Just Be HAPPY!!!!!
Get Off My Throne! - Korach
Wake Up! - Shelach
Be A Lamplighter! - Behaalosecha
Make Sure Your Dreams Dont Go To Spam! - Shavuos
Reflection! - Shavuos
Keep it in mind! - Bechukosai
The Shabbos for Sefira - Lag Baomer
Phase's Are The Root To Growing Older!