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Avroham Y Ross
Oct 5, 20161 min read
Every Second Matters- Rosh Hashana/Parsha's Vayeilech
During Rosh hashanah we read “Unesaneh Tokef”. What does “Unesaneh Tokef” mean, and why is it so important? Unesanneh Tokef talks about...

Avroham Y Ross
Sep 28, 20162 min read
Start the year off well - Nitzavim
It's finally here! The year is done, and now it's time to reflect and move forward. In order to help move forward, I'd like to share a...

Avroham Y Ross
Sep 14, 20162 min read
Break The String And Pop One Mitzva At A Time! - Ki Setzei
Imagine you're a balloon, filled to the brim with helium. But in this case you are attached to a string and this string holds you down to...

Avroham Y Ross
Sep 7, 20162 min read
All Around The World! - Shoftim
Yesterday afternoon i thought of something. Very recently we have had many incidents involving our police force. I want to share an...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 31, 20162 min read
If You Fall Down The Mountain, Keep Climbing! - Re’eh
I would like to bring you back a few years to a pretty difficult time. About three years ago I had a really tough time keeping goals. The...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 24, 20161 min read
Build - Eikev
Two nights ago with the help of HASHEM I found a job doing demolition construction. It didn't occur to me at the beginning but the job...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 17, 20161 min read
Flying Home To Yerushaliam! - V'eschanan
I am devastated to inform you of the passing of another week in which mashiach hasn't come! This week I took a long needed plane trip on...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 10, 20161 min read
Pushing Away All The Negativity! - Devarim
It has been a tough spiritual time for the world due to the historical events surrounding Tisha Ba’av. The sadness and effect this time...

Avroham Y Ross
Aug 3, 20161 min read
Dont Take This World For Granted! - Matos-Masei
Does having a counselor, a boss, a parent, or even rebbe mean that you have to blindly follow every single command, no matter what? The...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 27, 20162 min read
Jump To Appreciation - Pinchas
Today my camp went to a roller rink! In the roller rink I must have seen one of my campers fall 75 times, as I slowly tried to aid him...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 21, 20162 min read
The race is on - Balak
Three… Two… One… And the race is on! Your drive and power in order to get into this competition has been amazing. Your toil and hard work...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 14, 20162 min read
Just Be HAPPY!!!!!
Imagine a family of four kids get in a car on a long 45 minute journey. As we all know the story goes, after ten minutes everyone gets...

Avroham Y Ross
Jul 8, 20161 min read
Get Off My Throne! - Korach
This week is a very inspiring time for people who had any connection to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. As his yartzheit comes up this Shabbos,...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 29, 20162 min read
Wake Up! - Shelach
In this world there are a lot of very different people with very different views, backrounds, missions or even characteristics. One thing...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 23, 20162 min read
Be A Lamplighter! - Behaalosecha
The first week of one’s summer is the stepping-stool to the next year. This week is one of those once in a lifetime weeks for me. I...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 16, 20161 min read
Make Sure Your Dreams Dont Go To Spam! - Shavuos
The crowd is going wild! I look out past the shining light to see all my family and friends who came to support me. The amount of...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 8, 20162 min read
Reflection! - Shavuos
As we count down to the end of the school year, we can reflect on what kind of year we had. The question you might ask yourself is: "what...

Avroham Y Ross
Jun 1, 20162 min read
Keep it in mind! - Bechukosai
Have you ever heard this statement from your parents before? “If you do this, or put this there, or say this then I will make sure to do...

Avroham Y Ross
May 26, 20162 min read
The Shabbos for Sefira - Lag Baomer
For all you people with hard daily lives, I am absolutely with you! Those of you who never get a break no matter what you say or do, I...

Avroham Y Ross
May 19, 20161 min read
Phase's Are The Root To Growing Older!
Life is full of phases. As a teenager I go through many different ones during the year. It comes from growing up through whatever heart...
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