Religous Procrastination - Devarim
In recent years, davening has been very difficult for me. There were times when I convinced myself that when I got to a certain age or...
Religous Procrastination - Devarim
Slow and steady wins the race!
The king is in the field! _ Shoftim
Please pray with me! רפאל ניסן בן בתיה for refua shelaima!
Sometimes you just don't have it! - Eikev
Well...this is random! - Va'eschanan
Opening up! - Matos/masei
A special opportunity! - US Chukas / ISR Balak
Say it loud and clear! - Ad Masai
Staying the same - Shelach
Being yourself is key! - Behaalosecha
Livin on a prayer! - Nasso
Unity through the giving of the Torah! - Bamidbar
My father! My king! - Bechukotai
Breaking the chains - Behar
Joy is key - Emor
I've got a little bit of Hashem in me! _ Kedoshim
Don't sit in pity, do something about it! - Acharei Mos
Mighty Waters - Rosh Chodesh Nissan
All or nothing - Tazria