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Avroham Y Ross
Nov 29, 20191 min read
Fix the future... Not the past! -Toldos
Last week I went to the ohel to get some spiritual guidance. Generally, whenever I go to the ohel I watch a video or learn something so I...

Avroham Y Ross
Nov 8, 20181 min read
Cry out to Hashem - Toldos
Sometimes, it feels like my struggle with the Yetzer Hara becomes so strong that he takes over and makes it hard to continue living...

Avroham Y Ross
Nov 30, 20172 min read
A Prime Example- Parsha's Toldos
This past week was Black Friday and Cyber Monday. On these days, as well as many others, people buy things that they may not have bought...

Avroham Y Ross
Nov 16, 20171 min read
You Can Do It! - Toldos
One of the prerequisites in becoming a rabbi is that you experience at least one moment in an Uber/Taxi, train, plane, or on the street...

Avroham Y Ross
Nov 11, 20151 min read
The fight between good and evil! Toldos
During this generation most people have smart phones or computers and its very easy to get onto the internet. Over the years many...
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