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Writer's pictureAvroham Y Ross

The Example We Leave Behind - Vayeshev

Now that I have a son, I often think about the legacy I want to leave for him after 120 years. I reflect on what it means to be a role model. I think about how actions speak louder than words, and it’s through what I do—how I act, that I can teach him the values I hold dear.

In this week’s parsha, Vayeshev, Yosef faced a defining moment when Potiphar’s wife tried to tempt him. Alone and far from home, Yosef chose to act with integrity, refusing to compromise his values even when no one was watching. In that moment, his actions spoke for who he was and set the foundation for his future generations.

The way that we act today becomes the example for tomorrow. Our children, our peers, and the people we impact won’t remember what we said as much as what we did. Like Yosef, we must live our values—whether that means choosing honesty, standing firm in our beliefs, or rising to meet challenges. This week, choose one way you hope to be remembered as. Whether it’s showing kindness, patience, or resilience, let your actions reflect the legacy you want to leave behind.

Good Shabbos

All the best

Avroham Y Ross

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