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Do Not Give Up! - Va'era

Sima Ross

Updated: Jan 28

I was excited when my cousin Avroham Yehudah asked me to guest write a Dvar Torah this week.

During this past week, Avroham Yehudah and I both had similar feelings. I run a program in school called SHA, which stands for Shemiras Halashon and Ahavas Yisroel. On Tuesday, we had an event. Unfortunately, the event didn’t go as smoothly as planned, and during setup, I sprained my ankle. Despite all the challenges, I pushed through, and the event turned out to be a success. If I had given up, no one would have had the opportunity to address the issues around Lashon Hora.

In this week’s Parsha, Moshe and Aharon repeatedly approached Pharaoh to free Bnei Yisroel. A Midrash says that after the first three makos, Pharaoh wanted to release them, but Hashem hardened his heart. Imagine if Moshe and Aharon had given up? What would have happened today? 

I learned an important lesson from this parsha. Our job is to do our part, to try our best. Hashem will handle the rest. Whatever you’re working on, keep going. Don’t give up. May everything go smoothly for you.

I look forward to seeing all of you in the Bais Hamikdash with Moshiach very soon, as a result of our collective efforts!

Good Shabbos

All the best

Sima Ross

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